Sunday, April 26, 2009

3rd Annual Boogie to Beat Breast Cancer

On Saturday, April 25th the DuBar Dolls held their 3rd annual Boogie to Beat Breast Cancer in Cannon Falls. This was my first year attending. It was so much fun! We raised some money for our team and I think everyone had a good time. The band, The Loose Cannons, did an amazing job and were so fun to listen to. Cory and I even came home with a couple of silent auction items. Overall, I think the night was a success, and it made me even more excited for the upcoming walk.

"A Pink and Black Affair"

Kris, Heidi, Corey, Katie, and Michelle


Heidi and me

Heidi and her niece, Phebe


Playing the game, Heads or Tails. I think you get the idea.

Glenda (on the right) won the game.

Work girls

Monday, April 20, 2009

I love my Daisy!

I just love my dog, Daisy. She is so cute!

She sleeps like this sometimes, with her ball right in front of her.

My sister-in-law, Brandi celebrated her 12th birthday on April 18th. We went out to their house to have dinner with them on April17th and brought this delicious chocolate cake.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Not so exciting news

Just be warned, this is a lot of writing, so there's a lot to read.

So I had a very exciting post all ready to go announcing that we were 9 weeks pregnant. I was waiting to post because we hadn't told all of our family and friends. Well, I don't get to post that one because on April 11 I had a miscarriage. On that day I was 8 weeks and 5 days pregnant. I had been having some very light spotting for about two weeks but was not concerned, but on that day, I had a lot more bleeding that happened two times. So we decided to go to the ED to get an ultrasound done since I hadn't had one yet. We just wanted to be sure. So we went to the ED and, let me tell you, it was not fun being the patient. This was my first experience being the patient; it was different. So we got to United, they drew blood then took me to get an ultrasound. They did an abdominal and a transvaginal ultrasound. I knew something was wrong because I did not see any flicker of a heartbeat and I know it should have a heartbeat by then. Of course the U/S tech can't say anything, but I could tell by the tone in her voice. We got back to my room and waited for the doctor to come give us the news. Eventually the nurse came in with my discharge instructions, a prescription for Vicodin, and an ED diagnosis of: Miscarriage. Nice. What a great way to find out. By reading it on a piece of paper. Well, of course she felt so bad. She went and got the doctor right away who then came in and explained that it was an incomplete miscarriage, that there was nothing I could have done to cause it. Blah blah blah. I know all that. It doesn't make it any easier. It just plain sucks. Cory and I were both kind of in shock. So I got dressed, got my d/c instructions, and left. We stopped by my parents' house to tell them the news. That's when I broke down. It just sucks! When we got home, I started having really bad cramps. That happened for a while, then the next time I went to the bathroom, a whole mess of crap came out. After that, my cramps practically went away. We decided we would still meet our friends for dinner as we had planned. We went to PF Changs and I indulged in some delicious Beringer White Zin. Why not, right? We then went downtown for more liquour therapy to drown our sorrows. It actually turned out to be a decent night. We spent time with our very good friends and got pretty tipsy.

The next day was Easter, the day we were supposed to tell Cory's family that we were pregnant. That was a long day. We told my family the news and ended up not telling Cory's family anything. Then we went and met up with a couple friends at Billy's for some drinks.

Monday I had my first scheduled OB appointment with Dr. Ozel. It turned out to be a follow-up to a miscarriage. Everything was normal and Dr. Ozel was very sweet. It kind of sucked going to the office knowing I should have been there to see my baby's heartbeat for the first time, but instead I had a speculum exam in which she pulled out tissue to be sent to the lab; the remains of what was left of my pregnancy. So Monday turned into retail therapy day. Lizzi took the day off work to take me out to Albertville. I returned all the "bigger" clothes I had bought for me and the baby clothes I had bought from Carter's. Then I indulged myself and bought some new "smaller" clothes and a Coach purse and wallet. I did get a really awesome deal on those. It was a very wonderful distraction of a day. I did start to get pretty crampy, but that passed. That evening we went to the Chatterbox Pub in minneapolis for, you guessed it, more drinking. Now I'm sure you're all thinking this is going to become a problem, but really, it's okay. We actually had a fun evening with Lizzi and her new guy, Adam, and Sarah and Matt. We played Apples to Apples and I drank three glasses of some very delicious wine from Winehaven Winery. I did not go to work Monday night because I decided it was too soon to go back and I felt like Cory and I really needed some time to ourselves to let this all sink in. I tried to take Vistaril to help me sleep so I could go back to work Tuesday night, but it didn't work. I woke up crampy and couldn't fall back asleep for over an hour until I took a hot bath.

On Tuesday, I went for a walk with Mary in the morning. It was such a beautiful day and we went for a very long walk. Cory and I ate lunch at Don Pablos and spent the afternoon together. By the evening I was extrememly crampy and bloated. My cramps hurt so bad I had to take Ibuprofen and Vicodin and they still didn't go away until I soaked in a hot bath. Then I put a hot pack on too. Needless to say, I called into work again. I guess I should have been taking it easy. So the next day that is just what I did. I laid around all day watching Friends and hanging out. I did take Daisy for a walk. I also checked my e-mail like ten million times, because I was so bored.

On Wednesday night I was planning on going to work but then I got an RA. I figured one more night off couldn't hurt. Thursday was another pretty relaxed day. We went and worked out at the gym and went in the hot tub. I'm pretty much having no bleeding and no more cramping, so I think it's all over. So then I came in to work on Thursday night for my first night back. It has been a crazy night but it went well. So for now, we're hanging in there. We're both still pretty upset, but we're coping.

While I was laid up for the day, I took some funny pictures of Layla sitting in the chair

Monday night at the Chatterbox Pub

Sarah and Matt

Lizzi and Adam

Easter at Cory's Grandma's house. These videos are kind of long, but they're of Cory's cousin, Hayven dancing to cell phone music.

Saturday night out at Brothers

Dollar Jag Bombs

And a shot of Patron. Although followed by pineapple juice, it's quite tasty.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Nothing too exciting

We went to the Twins game on Wed. April 8th. It wasn't the home opener, but I think it was the best game of the opening series. It was a pretty close game the whole time but we won 6-5. It was a lot of fun. And it was my first time riding on the light rail. Pretty exciting!

And now, because we're super boring and don't ever go out anymore...some pictures of the animals. Enjoy!