Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas 2008

We started off our Christmas celebration this year with our usual Christmas Eve dinner at my mom's house. She made so much food I couldn't believe it. She had delicious ribs and steak with potatoes, squash, and for dessert, I made crepes. Delicious!

We opened our gifts from each other, like we usually do. Cory and I got some awesome gifts from our parents.

Of course Daisy came with. Her and Rocky are becoming best buds.

I did not have to work this Christmas so after we finished opening gifts, Cory and I got to go home.

Here's our Chrismtas tree all lit up on Christmas Eve. It is so beautiful. I love Christmas!

Our stockings, which are not hung on the chimney with glee. They're hung on my china cabinet... with glee.

And here's Daisy's stocking after I filled it with all her goodies.

Cory insisted on having this Abominable Snowman stocking. I'm still trying to find one for myself that goes with the theme.

Daisy is pooped after a fun evening at Grandma's.

Christmas morning!!

Here's Daisy getting her stocking. She was so excited. We got her some chewees, some Beneful food and a squeaky toy. Every time Cory took something out, she would jump back up on the thing, like she knew there was more stuff in there. It was so cute! I'll try and load the video I have of her.

Cory and I opened our presents from each other Christmas morning.

Christmas breakfast at my aunt and uncle's house in Fridley. We all ate delicious cinnamon rolls prepared by my mom and then opened all our gifts.

Then we headed out to White Bear for Christmas dinner at Cory's grandma's house.

Hayven played with Daisy, and Daisy was very interested in Hayven.

Hayven is all decked out in her Christmas dress.

Look at this adorable bib that Dorothy made. It has arms and everything so Hayven didn't get food on her pretty Christmas dress.

Opening gifts

Hayven kept giving "smoochies" to everyone, including Daisy!

She kept following her around making kissy faces.

Daisy wasn't quite as interested.

Trying to steal our hot chocolate.

Having a snuggle.

Kissy from Mama.

Aunt pam tried putting Hayven in the Santa bag. She wasn't too excited about it.

Then we put Daisy in the bag to try and cheer Hayven up.

Layla all snuggled in our blanket on Christmas night.

Well, that was our Christmas. Next up...New Year's Eve!!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

December Fun

So December has been a fun, busy month. I was awesome and I got all my Christmas shopping done way early so I'm just working a ton (since Cory is still not back to work), and getting excited for Christmas.

This was just a funny pic of B. I was trying to get her to smile for the picture, but she wouldn't. So G told her to make a funny face instead and this is what happened.

This is what we found one snowy afternoon when we decided to venture out to see a movie. I tell ya, people who don't know how to park in the snow should not be allowed to go to the mall during a snow storm. You can't really tell from the picture, but there are people who are triple and quadruple parked here! There were people who literally were driving down the parking lot and then just stopped, and said "Okay, I'll park here." Idiots! All I could do was laugh.

We went out on December 19th to Moose to celebrate our friend Krystin's birthday. I actually don't even have a picture with her.

Katalin taking a shot of Patron.

And you will notice there are no pictures of me taking any shots. A-woohoo!

Saturday night Karaoke at Grumpy's. Yeesh! I sang Nirvana's "Heart-Shaped Box" with Melissa then Lizz and I sang Madonna's version of "Santa Baby," with the holidays coming up and all. I have a video that the girls at work insist that I put on here, but I'm not even going to put you through that. I will say that my other song sounded much better. You're going to have to trust me on this one.

On December 23rd we went our to Major's to celebrate Dan's little brother's 21st birthday. It was quite a night.

Here's Mike taking a whipped cream shot off his girlfriend's lap. He said there was a lot of alcohol in that shot. I chose not to post the video of him doing the shot, because, well, it is a bit disturbing. Moving on...

Here's Mike about 10 minutes before he called it a night.

Mike just kept insisting that he was going to make it until 2 am.

Clearly, he did not.....

This is Mike right before he puked all over the floor. Time for big brother Dan to take him home.

Well we had a lot of fun.

And Dan was a great sport when he had to clean up his brother's puke. He does work at major's and they told him if his brother puked he had to clean it up. What a great brother!